World Press Photo anunţă câştigătorii ediţiei 2017

Cel mai prestigios concurs de fotografie de presă îşi anunţă câştigătorii. World Press Photo premiază cele mai bune, frumoase, cu impact, cu poveste sau pur şi simplu inspirate fotografii de presă.

Marele câştigător al World Press Photo 2017 este fotograful turc Burhan Ozbilici cu o fotografie înscrisă în categoria Spot News. Câştigătoare, dar şi controversată, fotografia îl înfăţişează pe Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, un ofiţer de poliţie de doar 22 de ani, asasinându-l pe ambasadorul rus în Turcia, în timp ce acesta se afla la o expoziţie de artă. Dacă a fost mai importantă arta fotografică, impactul momentului sau ‘ochiul’ artistului asta rămâne să decidă publicul. Majoritatea juraţilor World Press Photo a decis că aceasta fotografie merită premiul cel mare pentru că, aşa cum spune Mary F. Calvert unul dintre aceştia, fotografia este explozivă şi vorbeşte foarte bine despre ura timpurilor noastre.

Ediţia 2017 a adunat mai mult de 80 000 de fotografii, venind de la peste 5 000 de fotografi din 125 de ţări. Juriul a premiat 45 de fotografi din 25 de ţări, premii grupate în următoarele categorii: Comtemporary Issues, Daily Life, General News, Long-Term Projects, Nature, People, Sports şi Spot News. Categoriile au permis înregistrarea şi premierea separată a fotografiilor unice şi a seriilor care ilustrează o poveste.

Anul acesta un român se află printre câştigătorii World Press Photo. Vadim Ghirda a obţinut premiul al doilea la categoria Contemporary Issues – fotografii unice, pentru fotografia Migrant Crossing. De altfel, problema refugiaţilor şi conflictele politice, sociale şi militare ţin şi anul acesta cele mai înalte poziţii ale podiumului. Lumea modernă este marcată de conflict, ură şi violenţă şi acest lucru s-a reflectat perfect în fotografiile câştigătoare.

Premiul II Categoria Contemporary Issues Single © Vadim Ghirda, The Associated Press Title: Migrant Crossing
Premiul II Categoria Contemporary Issues Single © Vadim Ghirda, The Associated Press
Title: Migrant Crossing
Premiul I categoria Contemporary Issues Single © Jonathan Bachman, Thomson Reuters Title: Taking A Stand In Baton Rouge
Premiul I categoria Contemporary Issues Single © Jonathan Bachman, Thomson Reuters
Title: Taking A Stand In Baton Rouge
Premiul I Categoria Spot News Single © Jamal Taraqai, European Pressphoto Agency Title: Pakistan Bomb Blast
Premiul I Categoria Spot News Single © Jamal Taraqai, European Pressphoto Agency
Title: Pakistan Bomb Blast
Premiul I Categoria Sports Story © Giovanni Capriotti  Title: Boys Will be Boys: Muddy York Rugby Football Club players Michael Smith, left, Devin McCarney, centre, and Jean Paul Markides are photographed during a rehearsal for their performance at the annual team's fundraiser drag show on Saturday November 5, 2016, in Toronto, Ontario. Fundraisers, along with sponsorships, play a major role for the team's season budget. Each player pays an annual fee to the club, that covers the uniforms, practice facilities and Rugby Ontario fees. Muddy Yorks helps or provides players who can't afford the payment, with an exemption.
Premiul I Categoria Sports Story © Giovanni Capriotti
Title: Boys Will be Boys: Muddy York Rugby Football Club players Michael Smith, left, Devin McCarney, centre, and Jean Paul Markides are photographed during a rehearsal for their performance at the annual team’s fundraiser drag show on Saturday November 5, 2016, in Toronto, Ontario. Fundraisers, along with sponsorships, play a major role for the team’s season budget. Each player pays an annual fee to the club, that covers the uniforms, practice facilities and Rugby Ontario fees. Muddy Yorks helps or provides players who can’t afford the payment, with an exemption.
Premiul I Categoria Sports Single © Tom Jenkins, The Guardian Title: Grand National Steeplechase: Jockey Nina Carberry flies off her horse Sir Des Champs as they fall at The Chair fence during the Grand National steeplechase during day three of the Grand National Meeting at Aintree Racecourse on April 9th 2016 in Liverpool, England.
Premiul I Categoria Sports Single © Tom Jenkins, The Guardian
Title: Grand National Steeplechase: Jockey Nina Carberry flies off her horse Sir Des Champs as they fall at The Chair fence during the Grand National steeplechase during day three of the Grand National Meeting at Aintree Racecourse on April 9th 2016 in Liverpool, England.
Premiul I Categoria People Story © Michael Vince Kim Title: Aenikkaeng: Port of Progreso, Mexico, where Koreans first arrived in the Yucatan peninsula. Progreso, Mexico. 2016.
Premiul I Categoria People Story © Michael Vince Kim
Title: Aenikkaeng: Port of Progreso, Mexico, where Koreans first arrived in the Yucatan peninsula. Progreso, Mexico. 2016.
Premiul I Categoria Nature Story © Brent Stirton, Getty Images for National Geographic Magazine Title: Rhino Wars: NELSPRUIT, SOUTH AFRICA: "CARE FOR WILD AFRICA" is a donor run orgnaniation that specializes in caring for wounded animals. They have a special focus on rhino and have taken in many rhino orphans from the poaching wars across South Africa at this time. Their latest orphan is Lulah, her mother was killed in Kruger National Park and when the rangers found Lulah she was estimated to be one month old. Hyenas had attacked the tiny calf and chewed off her ears, parts of her nose and inflicted a large bite on her rear right leg. Lulah has a strong will to live and despite fighting off infection in the wound she is looking like she will survive. Lulah has a full time caregiver Dorota Ladosz, 25, who are full time staff at C.W.A. Dorota has an honors degree in both Animal Science and Wildlife Management. She lives full time with Lulah at the time of this picture and sleeps with her in her enclosure. She maintains a constant watch on Lulah’s injuries and her temperature and feeds her at regular intervals. Lulah received surgery on this day and her wounds were cleaned out by Jan-Louis Ras, a surgeon who volunteers his services to Care for Wild Africa but actually usually works on humans. Infections in Lulah’s leg were cleaned out and her ears and the top of her head were dressed and disinfected. Care for Wild Africa has taken care of multiple rhino calves like this and today they have 27 survivors living on the property. Paying for their upkeep and their security is difficult.
Premiul I Categoria Nature Story © Brent Stirton, Getty Images for National Geographic Magazine
Title: Rhino Wars: NELSPRUIT, SOUTH AFRICA: “CARE FOR WILD AFRICA” is a donor run orgnaniation that specializes in caring for wounded animals. They have a special focus on rhino and have taken in many rhino orphans from the poaching wars across South Africa at this time. Their latest orphan is Lulah, her mother was killed in Kruger National Park and when the rangers found Lulah she was estimated to be one month old. Hyenas had attacked the tiny calf and chewed off her ears, parts of her nose and inflicted a large bite on her rear right leg. Lulah has a strong will to live and despite fighting off infection in the wound she is looking like she will survive. Lulah has a full time caregiver Dorota Ladosz, 25, who are full time staff at C.W.A. Dorota has an honors degree in both Animal Science and Wildlife Management. She lives full time with Lulah at the time of this picture and sleeps with her in her enclosure. She maintains a constant watch on Lulah’s injuries and her temperature and feeds her at regular intervals. Lulah received surgery on this day and her wounds were cleaned out by Jan-Louis Ras, a surgeon who volunteers his services to Care for Wild Africa but actually usually works on humans. Infections in Lulah’s leg were cleaned out and her ears and the top of her head were dressed and disinfected. Care for Wild Africa has taken care of multiple rhino calves like this and today they have 27 survivors living on the property. Paying for their upkeep and their security is difficult.
Premiul I Categoria People SIngle © Magnus Wennman, Aftonbladet Title: What ISIS Left Behind: Maha, 5 and her family fled from the village Hawija outside Mosul, Iraq, seven days ago. The fear of Isis and the lack of food forced them to leave their home, her mother says. Now Maha lays on a dirty mattress in the overcrowded transit center in Debaga refugee camp. I do not dream and I'm not afraid of anything anymore Maha says quietly, while her mother's hand strokes her hair.
Premiul I Categoria People SIngle © Magnus Wennman, Aftonbladet
Title: What ISIS Left Behind: Maha, 5 and her family fled from the village Hawija outside Mosul, Iraq, seven days ago. The fear of Isis and the lack of food forced them to leave their home, her mother says. Now Maha lays on a dirty mattress in the overcrowded transit center in Debaga refugee camp.
I do not dream and I’m not afraid of anything anymore Maha says quietly, while her mother’s hand strokes her hair.
Premiul I Categoria Nature © Francis Pérez Title: Caretta Caretta Trapped
Premiul I Categoria Nature © Francis Pérez
Title: Caretta Caretta Trapped
Premiul I Categoria Long-term Project © Valery Melnikov, Rossiya Segodnya Title: Black Days Of Ukraine: 2887273 05.07.2016 Автомобили в поселке Лозовое города Донецка, сгоревшие в результате обстрела украинскими силовиками. Валерий Мельников/РИА Новости
Premiul I Categoria Long-term Project © Valery Melnikov, Rossiya Segodnya
Title: Black Days Of Ukraine: 2887273 05.07.2016 Автомобили в поселке Лозовое города Донецка, сгоревшие в результате обстрела украинскими силовиками. Валерий Мельников/РИА Новости
Premiul I Categoria General News Story © Daniel Berehulak, for The New York Times Title: They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals: Inmates watch as drug suspects are processed inside a police station on October 12, 2016 in Manila, Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines began his anti-drug campaign when he took office on June 30. Since then, over 2,000 people had been slain at the hands of the police alone. Beyond those killed in official drug operations, the Philippine National Police have counted more than 3,500 unsolved homicides since July 1. The victims, suspected users and pushers, are not afforded any semblance of due process, and are killed just about everywhere imaginable.
Premiul I Categoria General News Story © Daniel Berehulak, for The New York Times
Title: They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals: Inmates watch as drug suspects are processed inside a police station on October 12, 2016 in Manila, Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines began his anti-drug campaign when he took office on June 30. Since then, over 2,000 people had been slain at the hands of the police alone. Beyond those killed in official drug operations, the Philippine National Police have counted more than 3,500 unsolved homicides since July 1. The victims, suspected users and pushers, are not afforded any semblance of due process, and are killed just about everywhere imaginable.
Premiul I Categoria General News © Laurent Van der Stockt, Getty Reportage for Le Monde Title: Offensive On Mosul: Mosul, November 2, 2016 The Iraqis Special Operations Forces (Isof 1, Golden Division, ISF) are searching houses of Cogjali, a eastern district of Mosul, looking for Daesh members, equipment and evidences. Young and adult men are quickly interviewed. Most of the time, civilians feel insecure while fighters of isof, still under the threat of snipers and car bombs, feel being in hostile territory. Photo Laurent van der Stockt / Getty Reportages Cogjali, Mossoul, le 2 novembre 2016 Des forces spŽciales de Isof 1 (Golden Division, ICTF), encore sporadiquement pris pour cible par des snipers, parcourent les rues de Cogjali et cherchent la prŽsence de membres de Daesh maison par maison. Les jeunes hommes et les adultes sont d'abord sommairement questionnŽs.  Dans beaucoup de situations, les habitants se sentent en insŽcuritŽ pendant que les membres des ICTF menacŽs par les snipers et les voitures suicides sont en terrain hostile. Photo Laurent Van der Stockt
Premiul I Categoria General News © Laurent Van der Stockt, Getty Reportage for Le Monde
Title: Offensive On Mosul: Mosul, November 2, 2016
The Iraqis Special Operations Forces (Isof 1, Golden Division, ISF) are searching houses of Cogjali, a eastern district of Mosul, looking for Daesh members, equipment and evidences.
Young and adult men are quickly interviewed.
Most of the time, civilians feel insecure while fighters of isof, still under the threat of snipers and car bombs, feel being in hostile territory.
Photo Laurent van der Stockt / Getty Reportages
Cogjali, Mossoul, le 2 novembre 2016
Des forces spŽciales de Isof 1 (Golden Division, ICTF), encore sporadiquement pris pour cible par des snipers, parcourent les rues de Cogjali et cherchent la prŽsence de membres de Daesh maison par maison. Les jeunes hommes et les adultes sont d’abord sommairement questionnŽs.
Dans beaucoup de situations, les habitants se sentent en insŽcuritŽ pendant que les membres des ICTF menacŽs par les snipers et les voitures suicides sont en terrain hostile.
Photo Laurent Van der Stockt
Premiul I categoria Daily Life Story  © Tomas Munita, for The New York Times Title: Cuba On The Edge Of Change: Fidel Castro's funeral procession in Santa Clara, Cuba on  December 1, 2016. Cuba declared nine days of mourning after Fidel CastroÕs death, a period that culminated with his funeral.
Premiul I categoria Daily Life Story
© Tomas Munita, for The New York Times
Title: Cuba On The Edge Of Change: Fidel Castro’s funeral procession in Santa Clara, Cuba on December 1, 2016. Cuba declared nine days of mourning after Fidel CastroÕs death, a period that culminated with his funeral.
Premiul I Categoria Contemporary Issues Story © Amber Bracken  Title: Standing Rock: Morton County Sheriffs - Riot police clear marchers from a secondary road outside a Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) worker camp using rubber bullets, pepper spray, tasers and arrests. In other incidents they've employed militarized vehicles, water canons, tear gas and have been accused of using percussion grenades.
Premiul I Categoria Contemporary Issues Story © Amber Bracken
Title: Standing Rock: Morton County Sheriffs – Riot police clear marchers from a secondary road outside a Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) worker camp using rubber bullets, pepper spray, tasers and arrests. In other incidents they’ve employed militarized vehicles, water canons, tear gas and have been accused of using percussion grenades.
Premiul I categoria Daily Life Single © Paula Bronstein, for Time Lightbox / Pulitzer Center For Crisis Reporting Title: The Silent Victims Of A Forgotten War: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -MARCH 29, 2016:  A the Emergency hospital Najiba holds her nephew Shabir, age 2,  who was injured from a bomb blast which killed his sister in Kabul on March 29, 2016. Najiba had to stay with the children as their mother buried her daughter. In 2016 marked another milestone in its 15-year engagement in Afghanistan. Despite billions of dollars spent by the international community to stabilize the country, Afghanistan has seen little improvement in terms of overall stability and human security. The situation on the ground for Afghans continues to be grave. Security for the Afghan people has also deteriorated in large swaths of the country, further complicating humanitarian response. Afghan civilians are at greater risk today than at any time since Taliban rule. According to UN statistics, in the first half of 2016 at least 1,600 people had died, and more than 3,500 people were injured, a 4 per cent increase in overall civilian causalities compared to the same period last year. The upsurge in violence has had devastating consequences for civilians, with suicide bombings and targeted attacks by the Taliban and other insurgents causing 70 percent of all civilian casualties.
Premiul I categoria Daily Life Single © Paula Bronstein, for Time Lightbox / Pulitzer Center For Crisis Reporting
Title: The Silent Victims Of A Forgotten War: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -MARCH 29, 2016: A the Emergency hospital Najiba holds her nephew Shabir, age 2, who was injured from a bomb blast which killed his sister in Kabul on March 29, 2016. Najiba had to stay with the children as their mother buried her daughter.
In 2016 marked another milestone in its 15-year engagement in Afghanistan. Despite billions of dollars spent by the international community to stabilize the country, Afghanistan has seen little improvement in terms of overall stability and human security. The situation on the ground for Afghans continues to be grave. Security for the Afghan people has also deteriorated in large swaths of the country, further complicating humanitarian response. Afghan civilians are at greater risk today than at any time since Taliban rule. According to UN statistics, in the first half of 2016 at least 1,600 people had died, and more than 3,500 people were injured, a 4 per cent increase in overall civilian causalities compared to the same period last year. The upsurge in violence has had devastating consequences for civilians, with suicide bombings and targeted attacks by the Taliban and other insurgents causing 70 percent of all civilian casualties.
Mevlut Mert Altintas shouts after shooting Andrei Karlov, right, the Premiul I Categoria Spot News Story © Burhan Ozbilici, The Associated Press  Title: An Assassination in Turkey: Russian ambassador to Turkey, at an art gallery in Ankara, Turkey, Monday, Dec. 19, 2016.  (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
Mevlut Mert Altintas shouts after shooting Andrei Karlov, right, the Premiul I Categoria Spot News Story © Burhan Ozbilici, The Associated Press
Title: An Assassination in Turkey: Russian ambassador to Turkey, at an art gallery in Ankara, Turkey, Monday, Dec. 19, 2016. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

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